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degradable plant pots
10,5er Rundtopf

10.5 round pot

ECODEGRADE PF made of cellulose

Top Diameter: 105mm
Bottom Diameter: 62mm
Pot Height: 98mm
Pots per box: 1,720
Pots per pallet: 10,320

12er Rundtopf

12 round pot

ECODEGRADE PF made of cellulose

Top Diameter: 120mm
Bottom Diameter: 80mm
Pot Height: 90mm
Pots per box: 1,160
Pots per pallet: 6,960

WABE 4x5

hexagonal cell 4x5

Honeycomb 4x5

Outer dimensions:  350x270 mm
Outer dimensions of single pot above: 70x68 mm
External dimensions of single pot below: 42x40 mm
Pot height:   70 mm
Pots per box:  136
Pots per pallet:  816

from cellulose and minerals

These pots are available in different durability levels.

9,5er Rundtopf

9.5 round pot

ECODEGRADE PC made from cellulose and minerals

Top Diameter: 95mm
Bottom Diameter: 68mm
Pot Height: 72mm

Pots per pallet: 11,850

10,5er Rundtopf

10.5 round pot

ECODEGRADE PC made from cellulose and minerals

Top Diameter: 105mm
Bottom Diameter: 75mm
Height of the pot: 79 mm

Pots per pallet: 10,283

12er Rundtopf

12 round pot

ECODEGRADE PC made from cellulose and minerals

Top Diameter: 120mm
Bottom diameter: 89mm
Pot Height: 90mm

Pots per pallet: 7,458

2 l Vierecktopf

2 l square pot

ECODEGRADE PC made from cellulose and minerals

Dimension above: 113x113 mm
Dimension below: 87x87 mm
Pot Height: 218mm

Pots per pallet: 2,450

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